Qusai Akoud’s Blog

Archive for August 28th, 2011

  1. opened the original RAW photo in Adobe CameraRaw
  2. added exposure, a little bit of contrast, a little desaturation, a little vibrance.
  3. on the third tab, i reduced the noise a little bit by increasing the “luminance” slider by 12 points.
  4. on the sixth tab, i added some vignetting by reducing the “amount” slider to something about -70 points.
  5. then opened the photo to photoshop 🙂
  6. duplicated the background layer with (ctrl + j). made some cleaning with the healing tool.
  7. then color enhanced the photo with “color balance” layer. > shadows= red: -2, green: 0, blue=+2.. mid-tones= red: +1, green: +2, blue: -1..
  8. added some light and contrast with a curve layer by making the curve an “S” shape.
  9. added some more light by adding another curves layer and dragging the curve up a notch.
  10. added another curves layer, on the blue channel i dragged the bottom point of the curve up (made the shadows blue) and dragged the upper point of the curve down (made the highlights yellow)
  11. merged all the underlying layers to the top layer by (ctrl + shift + alt + E) long short-cut lol.
  12. changed the blending mode to softlight.
  13. reduced the “fill” to some 70%.
  14. added a color balance layer, shadows: red=+3, green=+3, blue=-6. highlights: blue= -5.
  15. added another color balance layer, midtones: red=-17, blue=+5. shadows: red=+2, blue=-1.
  16. added a vibrance layer, vibrance=+61
  17. added contrast by adding a curve layer, made the curve an “S” shape.
  18. another color balance, shadows: red=-3, blue=+1.
  19. added a hue-saturation layer, ticked the colorize check box, used an orange desaturated color.
  20. and finally, i added a curve layer, dragged the rgb curve down to a dark picture, the red channel dragged down for cyan color, the green channel dragged down for little magenta, the blue channel i dragged up for more blue. now you think its ruined!
  21. with the brush tool, relatively big brush, with hardness=0, and black in the foreground, i brushed over that dark curve layer in the middle leaving the sides to give the vignetting effect 🙂

About Me

i'm Qusai Akoud, i'm a graphic-web design enthusiast, i do photoshop and 3dsMax, you can find in this blog everything about designing, tech news and downloads, enjoy!

To Day is :

August 2011

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